Announcement of post-exam review (Strategic Project Management)


The regulations of TU Darmstadt concerning the inspection of exams have been updated and we can now offer you a post-exam review. We offer the exam review to every student who has written the exam. For students, who wrote the exam in WS 19/20, it is also possible to review their exams. The inspection will take place on 08.10.2020 between 13 and 15 o'clock. Registration is required. Please send an e-mail with your name, your matriculation number and the subject you wish to inspect (including the date of the exam) to . You will then be given a time slot. Registrations are possible until 05.10.2020, 11:59 pm.

Please bring your student ID and a photo ID with you. You can also authorise a representative to inspect the documents for you. To do this, a power of attorney must state who is the authorised representative, and the authorised representative must identify himself or herself. The power of attorney must be in writing.