Best Paper overall und SIG Entrepreneurship auf der EURAM in Dublin


Mit insgesamt drei Papern war das Fachgebiet TIM im Juni auf der European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) vertreten. Zur großen Freude des Fachgebiets gewannen Florian Koch, Elmar Konrad und Alexander Kock mit ihrem Paper "The Spark that Ignites the Whole: A Case-study on Aggregation Processes of Individual Ambidexterity within Entrepreneurial Teams in the Creative Industries" den Overall Best Paper Award der Konferenz und den Best Paper Award der Special Interest Group Entrepreneurship.

Die vorgestellten Paper und Autoren lauten wie folgt:

1) Gemünden, Hans Georg; Kock, Alexander (2023): The Six-Alpha Concepts of Project Portfolio Management: Ambition and Anticipation, Alignment and Ambidexterity, Adaptability and Agility. European Academy of Management 2023, Dublin.

2) Kock, Alexander; Gemünden, Hans Georg (2023): It Takes Two to Tango: The Interactive Effect of Project Portfolio Management Offices and Voice Behavior on Project Portfolio Management Quality and Business Success. European Academy of Management 2023, Dublin.

3) Koch, Florian; Konrad, Elmar; Kock, Alexander (2023): The Spark that Ignites the Whole: A Case-study on Aggregation Processes of Individual Ambidexterity within Entrepreneurial Teams in the Creative Industries. European Academy of Management 2023, Dublin.