
In research and teaching, the department focuses on the design of corporate innovation processes and systems. With the help of different empirical methods, organizational theoretical and marketing related influences on innovation activities are investigated. Essential fields of research of the department lie in the following four areas.

Innovative and complex project landscapes

  • What are the challenges in managing complex project landscapes?
  • How are innovation strategies implemented through portfolio management?
  • How do companies control dynamics in project portfolios?
  • What influences the degree of innovation in project portfolios?

Radical innovations

  • What are the special challenges in managing radical innovations?
  • How must operational innovation systems (strategy, structures, processes, culture) be designed for highly innovative projects?
  • What influence does the degree of innovation of development projects have on their success?

Corporate Innovation Systems

  • How does the interaction of formal and informal organizational levers influence the early innovation phases?
  • What influences the innovativeness of employees in the early innovation phases?

Open Innovation

  • What effects do cooperations with universities and research institutions have on the success of a company?
  • Which management activities influence the success of cooperations?
  • How is knowledge generated in communities?